Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Crock potting!

Oh yeah! I'm so in the zone! What am I talking about? I'll tell you in a minute...and NO, I haven't lost my mind! lol. A few weeks ago, a friend of mine invited me to her Homemade Gourmet party she was having. I was excited! I used to sell Pampered Chef, and this was a little different than utensils and stoneware (which I LOVE PC's stoneware!) was spices and quick easy meals you can prepare. Now, if you know me personally you KNOW I hate to cook. I'm not good at coming up with recipes or good dinners based on "throw this together" type. I'm in need of recipes!! lol. So, I my 5 "meals", which were just marinades that we mixed at the party into gallon ziplocks. I came home and my DH says "That's what you got for $22!!!". A little disappointed by the fact that I got 5 marinade type deals for the money, I proceeded to use these marinades for the next 5 nights. Every night my DH only had awesome things to say about my "cooking"....which I used a CROCKPOT for! lol. It was so nice to cook for him for a change. And I felt proud that my dinners were yummy! So, now that my marinades are gone....I'm stuck back in the rut of "what's for dinner?" and "Do ***I*** have to cook?". My DH is way better in the kitchen than me. But guess what!? On another group (on yahoo), my online friends shared a great blog all about crockpot cooking! Oh! I cannot wait to test out the recipes and make my DH's life easier (since he works 10 hours a day!). Check her blog out: AMAZAZING!!! :0)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 2009!!??

Wow! How time has flown by! My last blog was before Christmas!!! Lots going on in the Schu' household. Lots of homeschooling and sports.... now that it's spring. We just finished up our CSAP's for the year. I pray my kids did well. This being our first year homeschooling, it's been a challenge getting into a groove of "okay now it's time to do our work"....seems they just don't take "mom as teacher" very seriously most days. We're working on it though. We also just did our NWEA tests for the older two. This week, our youngest, will be doing a reading see what level he reads at. I'm eager to see, since he reads better than all of us! lol Soccer is in full swing! We just had our second game yesterday....lost again. But that's okay. We made them earn it! Jaron's also playing softball, which was not fun since it's been cold cold cold! But now that the weather is getting nicer, it will be a whole lot more fun!

Not much else is new. Megan's working on her Silver Award for Girl Scouts. She has a class (overnighter) once a month, until June. I cannot believe how big all the kids are getting. They grow so fast. Another reason I wanted to homeschool. I really miss them during the day or when they're gone. And soon they'll be flying the nest, off on their own adventures.

Well, dinner is done. God Bless you all! And come back soon.


Rustler's Loop

Rustler's Loop
Overlooking the CO river

About Me

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Grand Junction, CO
I'm a "part-time" working mom of three, married to my best friend of 13 yrs...who loves to hike, draw, listen to music, play on the internet and hang out with friends!