Saturday, August 23, 2008

Busy Busy!

So, as you know....Megan is working towards her Girl Scout Bronze Award...the highest award a Jr can earn. She has a total of 15 service hours she must complete in her project. Of which there are strict guidelines she must example is she can't work with animals and then go work at the homeless shelter and count both activities towards her project. Her hours must all be related to "animals". So, yesterday, Megan and I spent the morning volunteering at our local no-kill shelter
( ). We walked several dogs and played with TONS of kitties (of all ages). It was a lot of fun. She is now almost done with her service hours!! She MUST get all done by Sept. 5th...because she is bridging up to Cadettes! So far, Megan has 12 hours done! Yay! We plan to go over next week and finish up her hours. :0) So we are very excited to almost be done with that. I cannot tell you just how proud I am of her and her Jr. accomplishments! She has far exceeded what I did as a Jr. And I partially credit that to her best friend, Keely. Keely is an awesome young lady who is very driven and pushes herself. I see her influencing my Megan to do far more then she would have on her own. I believe she's teaching Megan to set goals and achieve them! We're very blessed to have her in our lives. :0) They both are going to be bridging to Cadettes, but will be "Juliettes"....meaning they will not be affiliated with any one troop. This is a new chapter for us, but feel it's the best thing for us at this time. We will be having our hands full with work, homeschool, sports, and scouts. So, being a Juliette will free up some nights a week. I'll post pics/video of Megan bridging on here once we get there. Be sure to check back often for those!

Here is a project Megan did at a council event called "Some'er Sewing".

Here's Megan with her leader, Terri...receiving her badges she'd earned thru the year.

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Rustler's Loop

Rustler's Loop
Overlooking the CO river

About Me

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Grand Junction, CO
I'm a "part-time" working mom of three, married to my best friend of 13 yrs...who loves to hike, draw, listen to music, play on the internet and hang out with friends!