Monday, April 4, 2011


Soccer season has begun again! Add in softball and football (Jaron's co-coaching again)....and the schedule is full! lol. As for me...I have been focusing alot on my art. Trying to grow and learn as much as I can without getting overwhelmed. I've created a new character named Bernice who is a handful if I've ever seen one. lol. Okay, she's really just my "naughty" side in cartoon form. Check her out on my FB page. Off to work. Laters!

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Rustler's Loop

Rustler's Loop
Overlooking the CO river

About Me

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Grand Junction, CO
I'm a "part-time" working mom of three, married to my best friend of 13 yrs...who loves to hike, draw, listen to music, play on the internet and hang out with friends!